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Thank you for a great 2024 season!

We loved performing for you this year, and we have great things in store for next season and beyond. Stay tuned for news and announcements!

Chromium’s 2024 Program

In The Arena: An exhilarating journey encapsulating the spirit of resilience, determination, and unwavering dedication to the pursuit of excellence.

At the core of this production lies an enduring inspiration, drawn from Theodore Roosevelt's timeless speech, "Citizenship in a Republic." In his words, "It is not the critic who counts." This sentiment reverberates through every note and step as each member of Chromium Winds becomes "The Man in the Arena," facing challenges, taking risks, and fighting for the triumph of high achievement.

Our show unfolds through a carefully curated musical compilation, featuring "Conquest" by Bill Conti, "Skyscraper" by Demi Lovato, "Overture" from the Rocky Movie series, and "Survival" by Muse. Each note contributes to the emotional crescendo of our narrative, amplifying the themes of fighting for a worthy cause, taking risks, and rising again after a fall.

As the curtains rise on the 2024 season, we invite you to witness a symphony of resilience, a visual and auditory spectacle that embodies the spirit of being "In the Arena." In the face of challenges, we choose not only to survive, but to thrive.

View our rehearsal and performance schedule here!

WGI InDEPENDENT OPEN 6-time finalists

Chromium is honored to have received WGI Sport of the Arts Winds Independent Open Class champion five of their six seasons, and to have been open class finalists all 6 of their years. This is unprecedented in the activity, and our group is truly something special. We can’t wait to show you what we have in store this season!



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